The Beau Guide

The Only Men’s Magazine That Matters

Category: Health


5 Exercises Men Can Do for Better Sex

By Jan Sheehan Medically Reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH You know that working out is good for your health. But did you know that hitting the gym could also help you have better sex? “Working out three to four times a week can do a lot to help your sexual technique, flexibility, and endurance,” says […]

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Ever Thought About Drinking Your Own Urine?

Black South Africans were thought that drinking urine actually cleanses your body from harmfulness toxicity and as well as cleanse bad energy you’ve acquired through the night.Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe! Infact most South Africans believe drinking urine sometimes defends them from spiritually unclean spirits We found an article written […]

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Don’t bank on your health – why being prepared for illness or injury is a must

As we head into the winter months, our bodies and immune systems can take a beating from the change in weather and there is a greater chance of catching a cold or getting the flu. Of course, Covid-19 remains with us too, and is likely to do so for some time.  Banking on the chance […]

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What Does It Mean to Be Sexually Fluid

At this point in time, experts have disproved many of the myths surrounding sexual orientation.  Like the color of your eyes or the shape of your nose, orientation is a trait many are born with or grow into over time. Maybe in high school, for example, you developed crushes on people of one gender only. In […]

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Is It Better to Be a Night Owl or Early Bird?

There are two kinds of people in this world: people who delight in hearing birdsong first thing in the morning, and people who groan, and wish birds had a mute button. Early birds, also called morning larks, fall into the first category. Most early risers enjoy waking up when the day is young and tend […]

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