Ruan Goosen’s Backstage Pass

Lights camera action as the South African Menwear Fashion Show in Cape Town commenced opening the show was Ruan Goosen which whom we are getting a backstage pass from, We get to see the beauty of how fashion shows are conducted from behind the scene.

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As the models were chosen and ready to be fitted a ambience of celebration was in the air as the modern man was being born by the designer Ruan Goosen, changing the stereotypes of modern day masculinity and showcasing a rather delicate side of masculinity

“and we couldn’t have been more impressed by the delivery for their S/S22 as the clothing presented a strict tailoring ecstatic that met delicate colours and features this collection is the perfect fit for a Cape Town summer trip which speaks volumes to the brands heritage”

Is how we reviewed the collection without out show notes as the work speaks for itself which switch up old traditions for new ones that work in this modern era

“Everyone needs a touch of gold” is what the young designer said everybody needs and as the summer heat in `Africa arises gold shimmer colour clothes and lace there and twill weaves there this collection is an embodiment of the future of fashion.

Artists like Jaden Smith and Harry Styles are few of the trendsetters that feature a neutralistic designer pieces that are feminine but styled to fit the “look” in a odd way.

What we’re saying is that fashion is evolving and what evolution teaches us is that if you do not evolve unfortunately your out of the game. As a fashion reality star once said “We do not control the narrative

For more info IG: @ruanrgoosen

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