30 Tips To Kick-Start Your Day – Morning Routines Of Successful People
Wondering what are the morning routines of successful entrepreneurs, CEOs, and self-made millionaires? Learn more about their morning rituals in this article and discover 30 tips that will make you more productive, positive and successful.
Morning is likely the most important part of the day. There are days when you simply wake up not feeling your best self, and there is nothing to do about it throughout the day. If those days pile up and you find yourself feeling depressed or desperate, then it might be that you’re simply not starting your day in the right way.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Everybody has their own morning routines whether we’re aware of it or not. Some of us are early birds, while others are night owls. Some wake up at 6 a.m. while others stretch for an entire hour in their bed before kick-starting their day. Some people wake up with a cup of coffee while reading the news, while others take a moment to meditate or workout.
What’s interesting here is that it looks like successful and happy people usually have similar morning routines that will set their day right and make them more productive throughout the rest of the day. If you think about it, it is really important how you start your day. If you oversleep and wake up only to realize you have only 40 minutes to get ready, have breakfast and get into the rush hour, then you probably aren’t going to feel calm and relaxed.
On the other hand, when you wake up early, you can have time to enjoy a cup of tea, maybe even read a little bit, and easily enter your working hours feeling calm and satisfied. I’m sure this resonates with anyone who ever thought about how small things that we do everyday form us into personalities we are each day.
Want to be successful and have beautiful mornings that will boost your productivity and overall well-being?
Then continue reading and discover 30 tips from successful entrepreneurs and life/health coaches on how to tweak your mornings to become more successful!
1. Make Your Bed
“If you make your bed every morning you’ll have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”
Naval Admiral William McRaven
“Outer order means inner order”. Apparently, there is a reason why your parents used to tell you all the time that “you should make your bed”. Making your bed won’t magically turn you into a millionaire, but sticking to small, good habits will put you on the right track.
If you don’t do it already, start making your bed every day as soon as you get up, and you will notice the difference in your daily satisfaction levels.
In the end, it’s only an exercise of staying consistent.
2. Wake Up Naturally
“I wake up naturally. Sometimes this is before sunrise, sometimes after sunrise, but usually, I awake just ten to thirty minutes before sunrise.
Leland Stillman, MD Allergy and Immunology, University of Mississippi
Another morning tip countless entrepreneurs and success coaches swear by is to follow your biorhythm and wake up naturally, which means NO ALARM CLOCK IN YOUR BEDROOM. Of course, for most of us, our working hours might not permit us to do it completely.
However, if you decide to give your body a shot in balancing its circadian rhythm according to the sunlight, you would probably end up waking up earlier and right on time to finish everything you wanted before heading to your office.
Learn more about how bad snoozing your alarm clock actually is in this article.
3. Open The Blinds
“Unless my boyfriend is still sleeping, I always make the bed and open the blinds as soon as I wake up.”
Sam Laura Brown, mindset coach, personal development blogger and host of The Perfectionism Project
When you get out of your bed, open the blinds and let the sun in! Although it might be a logical reason to do it – you may want to air your room and absorb a little bit of daylight – there is a chemical reason why this helps you wake up more easily and be more productive.
Sunlight dictates our bodily secretion of a sleep hormone called Melatonin. When the sun rises (and there’s more sunlight), our brains get the signal to decrease Melatonin levels leading our bodies to wake up and our mind to become more aware. On the other hand, when it gets dark, Melatonin is secreted more and is preparing our bodies to relax and ease to sleep.
4. Walk Your Dogs Without Your Phone
“Wake up. Put on yoga gear or my favorite sweatpants. Walk our dogs Wallis and Marley down the street and pick up a double shot of organic espresso on the way. Sometimes with oat milk, sometimes black. Take a moment without my phone to meditate while the dogs play in the dog park and I look out at the water from Brooklyn at the Statue of Liberty.”
Dr. Robin Berzin, MD, CEO and founder of Parsley Health
If you own dogs, you surely bring them out before you head to work. However, most of us will switch off our brains and stare into our cellphones instead of feeling present and appreciating this beautiful moment you share with your dog each morning.
Leave your phone at home, bring your dog to the park and enjoy the moment, breathe and observe the beauty around you. We are quite sure that this might become one of your favorite routines pretty fast.
5. Decompress Your Spine
“I hang. What does this mean? I actually hang multiple times throughout the day and at night. And this is primarily to decompress my spine and also to improve grip strength.”
Tim Ferriss, entrepreneur, author and podcaster “The Tim Ferriss Show”
While talking about his morning rituals in one of his podcasts, Tim Ferris, an entrepreneur, and author, revealed that he likes to decompress his spine in the morning as well as throughout the day.
While we sleep, our muscles barely move and some of us wake up with the slight feeling of soreness in our bones and especially in our spines. Tim Ferriss’ advice on investing in a rig where you can hang for one minute every morning. Doing this will help release the pressure between the vertebrae created while you were asleep.
If this idea attracts you, bear in mind that hanging upside down in the evening will double the benefits. However, don’t hang upside down after having dinner or after you had a couple of beers.
6. Yoga or Stretching
“I wake up promptly at 6 a.m. and do 40 pushups with sun salutations. I don’t want to make any decisions in the morning so I save my decision-making chi for the afternoon, when most people fade. I automate healthy behaviors that will make me proud of myself for the rest of the day like: yoga, quick shave and shower, trip to either studio or hospital, and review of the day with team (either scripts in studio or rounds with surgeons)… I won’t drink coffee until after breakfast since it’s not really needed—I’m already jazzed up by yoga and shower, so I save the caffeine for when it’s really needed.”
Dr. Oz, a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon and host of The Dr. Oz Show
“I get up and do yoga from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m.—I love it. Every time my alarm goes off at 6:10. I think ‘I want to stay in bed’ but by the end of class I’m so energized and feel so positive about the day ahead.”
Ella Mills, founder of Deliciously Ella and author of Natural Feasts
We only selected these two, but there is a countless number of entrepreneurs, CEOs, and life coaches that practice Yoga in the morning. Yoga is known to bring numerous benefits to people practicing: it improves our focus, awareness, makes us calmer and reduces stress.
When you have a hectic day ahead, there’s nothing better than to ground yourself with a 30 to 60 minute Yoga session. If you’re a beginner, start with 10 to 15 minutes of Yoga. After you experience the benefits of this enjoyable form of exercise, you will be looking forward to each morning.
7. Find What Works For You
“Most people have a dominant personality type — Practical, Action, Social or Emotional. Knowing your personality type can determine your best routine. Practical types want a highly structured daily routine. Action people like me need variety. I’ll jog or do jujitsu. Or I read different types of books, not just business ones. Social types need a daily routine built around people… The Emotional type is sensitive and tends to be more introverted, so their routine should have a lot of quiet time and introspection.”
Tai Lopez, investor, business advisor, author and owner at TaiLopez.com
Although it’s not really a morning routine itself, Lopez’s tip is actually a great way to think about your morning. What works for you, won’t work for someone else, and vice versa.
Don’t force yourself to do something that simply doesn’t complement your personality. Instead, find the activities that will sparkle up positive thoughts in your brain. Maybe yoga isn’t the right choice for you. Perhaps a HIIT workout would work better for you to achieve greater mental strength and discipline.
8. Activate Your Brain
“Before I get plugged into a busy, unpredictable day, I’ll take a cold water plunge in my pool, spend a couple of minutes honing my slackline skills and fix myself a cup of coffee. I’ll get my brain tuned up by attacking the Los Angeles Times crossword in less than 20 minutes. Only then am I ready to stride into my office and get to work.”
Mark Sisson, founder of Primal Blueprint, author, and publisher of MarksDailyApple.com
After you get out of bed, stretch out and go to make your coffee, it might be the perfect time to slowly wake your brain up. Give yourself a mental exercise you will do each morning while you breakfast or have coffee for no more than 10 – 15 minutes and you will likely notice that your brain works better when you start working.
9. Visualize
“Visualize how you will make your day”
Tony Robbins, author, philanthropist, and life coach
Tony Robbins is known for transforming millions of lives around the world thanks to his exceptional motivational speeches. What he states is that it is crucial what you do in your first steps of the day.
In order to get the life you want, you have to visualize yourself in the place you want to be. However, it might not be an easy thing to do. Practice each morning, and visualize your perfect day after you wake up. As soon as you open your eyes, get up, focus on your breathing and take a few moments to imagine what you would enjoy doing on this particular day.
10. Cold Shower In The Morning
“Each morning I take a freezing cold shower, even in the dead of winter. I can’t imagine starting my day any other way… I won’t sugarcoat it. Cold showers do suck at first. Your first attempt will probably be similar to mine – you’ll just end up taking a lukewarm shower. And the next attempt will be just as hard. As will the next. But slowly, with each attempt, you’ll get stronger and you’ll come to see that the benefits far outweigh the initial shock and discomfort.”
Zach, founder of Four Pillar Freedom
Cold showers may seem like torture at first, but when you adopt it as a regular practice, it will undoubtedly increase your stamina, and mental strength. That’s right, there are not only health benefits ( such as improved circulation and better heart health) that you can get out of showering with ice-cold water, but you could also start thinking much clearer.
A lot of people that practice cold showers will tell you that cold showers remind them that they can endure anything. In a way, when you start your day like this, you feel like an Ironman ready for all challenges awaiting that day.
And it surely feels good to feel like an Ironman, right?
11. Determine Your Priorities
“I get up at 5:30 a.m. I drink 20 ounces of water, which jumpstarts my metabolism. Then I write a quick gratitude list of things I’m grateful for that morning. I set my intention for the day, determining the one or two biggest things I must achieve in order to feel I’ve positively moved in the direction of my goals and have an awesome day.”
Jon Braddock, founder and CEO of My Life & Wishes
As you gradually move towards the beginning of your workday, choose one or two things that you have to achieve this day in order to feel you are getting closer to your goals.
Our biggest goals are usually made out of several smaller goals we have to work on. Each morning, think about what is it that you can do to reach one of those goals, and do something about it every day. This is a good exercise to keep you motivated to not give up or lose your final goal out of your sight.
12. Hydrate
“At 6.10 am I walk to the kitchen for a glass of room temperature water. If I have lemon, I’ll squeeze some in, but if not, I’ll just drink a large glass of water. After 7-8 hours without fluid, my body needs to rehydrate.”
Lisa Bryan, a certified health coach, founder of Downshiftology
This should have been the tip n.1! Hydration is crucial for all the bodily functions happening throughout the day. You would be surprised how differently our brains and bodies work when not having enough water.
Therefore, make sure you hydrate yourself well when you wake up. As Lisa said, your body wasn’t getting any fluid for 7-8 hours and is craving water the moment you wake up. Opt for lukewarm water for increased benefits!
13. Journal And Express Gratitude
“Each morning, instead of fishing for my phone on the nightstand with one eye open, I allow myself to enjoy a moment of sitting up, fully waking, and reaching for my journal and pen.”
Susie Moore, high performance coach and owner of Susie Moore blog
Depending on how much time you have in the morning take from 5 to 30 minutes and dedicate them to journaling. This is the perfect moment for you to express gratitude and get your daily dose of motivation.
Write down motivational quotes that inspire you or set a weekly challenge you will have to follow. Susie suggests that you should also use this time to state at least 3 things you are grateful for, as well as 2 positive daily affirmations.
14. Choose Your First Task Carefully
“If I can stand it, I don’t deep dive into email and social media before getting my #1 task done for the day. This helps me to spend less time in the endless vortex of my inbox and more time actually doing the part that I do best, which is filming, photographing, and writing. Almost nothing is so urgent that it needs my attention first thing in the morning. Usually I try to write or do my creative stuff in the early hours of the day.”
Kristin Addis, traveler and owner of BeMyTravelMuse
After you have showered, had breakfast and did your most important part of your morning routine, it is time to start working, right? Kristin’s tip is to choose your first task for the day wisely.
Instead of automatically checking your email the first thing, try starting your day with something you’re best at. If that’s writing, organizing, creating plans, do that first and then switch to your other duties.
This way, you will feel good about yourself but letting yourself do something you actually LOVE doing first. As the day unfolds you will deal with other duties too, but that pleasant kick-start of your day will set your mood right and make you more productive throughout the day.
15. Focus On Your First Waking Thought
“I am ALWAYS aware of my first waking thought. If my first waking thought is not loving, empowering and positive, I address it with an intention to change it. My FWT’s are usually things like:
“I love you Chris”,
“I’m so grateful for another day”,
“I wouldn’t want to be anyone else, I’m so glad I’m me”
“I’m so grateful I’ve been given another day!” ”
Chris Jackson, business & success coach, founder of Chris Jackson Coaching
If the first task you do at work can have a positive, ripple effect on your afterward decisions and tasks, imagine how powerful your first-morning thought is.
Chris Jackson, business and success coach, suggests that we should all work on waking up with a positive thought in our minds. However, if you ever practiced meditation you know how hard it is to control your thoughts, often they just come in unpredictable flows.
Sometimes even though everything is right and you are ready to conquer the day, you wake up thinking negatively or having a first bad thought. It’s in those cases that you have to help yourself out and repeat positive affirmations that will outweigh the power of negative thoughts you first had.
16. Eat That Frog
“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”
Mark Twain
“Mark Twain once said that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long. Your “frog” is your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don’t do something about it.”
Brian Tracy, Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International
This is a slightly different approach than the one Kristin Addis suggested (pick your first task carefully), but it is still a really effective one. Instead of doing first something you love and are best at, choose the hardest task you have to do that day and do that first.
After you finish with it, you will be able to be more relaxed throughout the day and approach other tasks with more ease.
17. Meditate
“I take time to meditate. Depending on my mood, this can take many different forms: writing in a prayer journal, listening to an affirmations CD, laying on the living room floor staring at the ceiling and sorting out my thoughts, going on a walk through my neighborhood (usually just on the weekends). After my meditation time, I’m typically feeling peaceful, energized and in control of my emotions. As they would say in the excellent book Switch, my “elephant” is happy so now the “rider” can start to direct my focus.”
Elizabeth Grace Saunders, founder and CEO of Real Life E®
If you ever read a successful entrepreneur’s guide on “how to be more successful”, meditation must have been among those tips. Meditating is a great way to be in control of your thoughts and one of the best ways to practice your focus and awareness.
Some prefer to meditate in the evening or at lunch breaks in order to de-stress, however, there are multiple benefits of meditating in the morning. Morning meditation will calm your thoughts and make you more focused and energized for the rest of the day.
18. Have A Nutritious Breakfast
“No one would ever mistake me for an expert on engines, but I know one thing: They don’t work without fuel. Our bodies are the same way, which is why I’m passionate about breakfast—especially when it involves passion fruit. And blueberries. And raspberries, strawberries, some sliced banana and maybe a sprig or two of fresh mint. (And don’t forget the bread—you know I love my bread! For breakfast, my preference is multigrain, double toasted.)”
Oprah Winfrey, media executive, actress, talk show host at Oprah show, television producer and philanthropist
Science says you shouldn’t make decisions on an empty stomach. Oprah loves her breakfast healthy and full with vitamins and minerals.
If you want to have the ideal breakfast that will start your day right, opt for a meal rich in high-fiber carbs and lean protein. Choose your fist daily fuel right and make your breakfast nutritious and delicious!
19. Rise Early
Since there are countless CEOs, entrepreneurs and successful individuals that are early birds and love waking up before the sunrise, we won’t even try to list them out here and cite their quotes. Richard Branson, Jack Dorsey, Michelle Obama, Howard Schultz, (just to name a few) all rise before most people and love it.
There’s not a lot to explain here. Rising a couple of hours before you would usually wake up provides you a great way to stay ahead of your daily duties and find time for yourself. Work can easily suck you into the vortex, leaving you a bit exhausted at the end of the day and not willing to do anything that might improve your day.
That’s why waking up early (around 6 a.m.), creates a “safe space” for you to use according to your wills and needs. It is usually a very calm part of the day when your phone won’t ring and there won’t be a lot of noise around your home, so you can really use up this time to settle your thoughts and enjoy your entire morning routine.
20. Exercise
“Researchers at the University of Bristol found that people who exercise during the workday have more energy and a more positive outlook, which are both critical to getting things done. Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes releases GABA, a neurotransmitter that makes your brain feel soothed and keeps you in control of your impulses.”
Travis Bradberry, author of the book “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” and co-founder of TalentSmart
You probably won’t find a successful person that is not disciplined when it comes to exercising. While some prefer to workout in the evening, others can’t tell enough benefits of morning workouts.
According to Travis, morning exercise is the first thing you should introduce if you want to be more productive, have more energy and be more optimistic. Not only will you feel better and stronger, but staying disciplined in workouts will boost your mental strength and make you more prepared for the awaiting daily challenges.
21. Read
“Once all of that is done I’ll head downstairs and begin my reading workflow, which I do while sitting in my office with the door open, sitting in my “reading zone” chair.”
Mike Vardy, founder of Productivityist and the creator of TimeCrafting.
Unless you read on your commute, you probably find it difficult to squeeze in reading time in your busy schedule, and you’re not alone. Dedicate 10 to 30 minutes in the morning to read, commit to this habit and you’ll find out that it’s actually much easier to focus on what you’re reading on a freshly rested brain.
Plus, reading is a great way to activate your brain in the morning without immediately jumping to answering those emails in your inbox.
22. Set The Intention For Your Day
“I head straight from bed to the coffee maker. While my espresso is brewing, I take a moment to set my intention for the day. Writing down your goals makes you significantly more likely to achieve them and I firmly believe that what gets measured, gets done. When I log an intention, I have successful, happy days. On the days I don’t, it’s harder to focus.
I use my iPhone notepad to jot down one goal (just one!) to accomplish in the next 24 hours. These intentions are always simple and attainable. For example, today it was “hit the gym”; other times it might have to do with how I eat. Though these are related to personal health, taking care of myself ultimately means taking care of my business.”
Brian Scudamore, entrepreneur, founder and CEO of O2E Brands
Staying ahead of your weekly to-do list isn’t quite the easiest task to do. However, there is a nice tip you can use in order not to lose your main goals and tasks out of sight.
Each morning, pick one, most important goal that you have to accomplish that day. Directing your intention correctly in the morning will help you stay focused on your goal throughout the day.
23. Eliminate Decision-Making Tasks In The Morning
Similar to the early risers, there has been a trend among CEOs and entrepreneurs to cut the time they spend on minor decisions. The Mark Zuckerberg’s routine of wearing a uniform every day (a gray T-shirt and hoodie) has become popular throughout the world and is seen as an effective way to stop wasting time on activities that aren’t as important.
You can also apply this principle to other things such as – what you will eat for breakfast or your exercise routine.
24. Mirror Work
“When you’re ready to get up, go to your bathroom mirror. Look deeply into your eyes. Smile at that beautiful, happy, relaxed person looking back at you!
As you’re looking in the mirror, say these affirmations: Good morning, [Name]. I love you. I really, really love you. There are great experiences coming our way today.”
Louise Hay, motivational author and the founder of Hay House
Most life coaches and motivational authors will agree that auto-suggestive thoughts help us build a more positive outlook in a person’s mind. Take a moment to do some mirror work, look at yourself and repeat positive affirmations that will boost your self-confidence and increase your optimism and well-being.
Let the first words your body produces and hears be something good about yourself. Although those words are coming from yourself, you would be surprised what a great effect they may have on the
25. Make A Perfect Cup Of Coffee/Tea
“I’d like to say I meditate each morning, but I don’t. Instead, my morning meditation is making a perfect cup of pour-over coffee. Not only does the coffee wake my body up, but the process of getting the grind right, heating the water to exactly 204 degrees, and brewing by hand wakes up the creative side of my brain. It’s nice to “make” something from scratch to start your day.”
Chuck Longanecker, owner of Digital Telepathy
Most people have a ritual of having their morning coffee or cup of tea. In order to start your day extra nicely, pour a little bit more of your soul into making your perfect, first coffee in the morning.
Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon over your hot coffee, or add that hazelnut flavor that you adore. It is a really simple thing to do but will make your ordinary routine a bit more special. Let your perfect, morning hot beverage remind you that you should treat yourself well.
26. …Or Skip Caffeine
“About a year ago, I stopped drinking caffeine, and I cannot say enough for what it’s done for my energy levels and ability to wake up each morning ready to charge into the day ahead. I’ve kept the ritual of my morning (decaf) coffee and save the real stuff for when I absolutely need it.”
Jessica Randazza, head of marketing at Danone-Nutricia Early Life Nutrition
Sometimes caffeine may be the reason you feel exhausted. And while there are numerous pros and cons of drinking coffee, maybe you want to consider going decaf for a month or two to see how not drinking coffee affects you.
A lot of us just love our coffee rituals so much that we don’t even think about cutting down on it. However, switching your coffee to decaf espresso or tea might be a great way to clean your body from stimulants and give your brain a chance to wake up entirely on its own fuels.
27. Stick To One Morning Activity You Particularly Enjoy
“Right now, take a second to think about one activity you could do in the morning that would do the most to help you feel more energetic and focused. Is it meditation? Yoga? Running? Reading? Prayer? Something else? Get clear on what that one activity is for you and commit to doing it every single morning, even if just for a few minutes. Once you’ve turned it into a habit, you can progressively add more activities until you’ve created your own optimal morning ritual.”
Phil Drolet, performance coach, author of “How to Supercharge Your Morning”, owner of FeelGoodLifestyle
Making routines enjoyable is the best way to guarantee that you will stick to them. Pick one activity you really enjoy and make it the central activity of your morning routine. After some time, you’ll be able to “attach” new activities to your routine and create the ideal morning ritual you’ve always longed for.
If you’re enjoying the way you spend your first hours of being awake, your day will be more productive and successful.
28. Respect Your Own Rhythm
“I discovered that spending some extra moments in bed, centering myself toward the day, wasn’t so much a habit as an essential way of being, and it made me much more productive as a thinker and writer”
Miranda Beverly-Whittemore, best-selling novelist
For most of us, our morning routine is dictated by our working hours. However, self-employed people can often have much more time in the morning for their favorite activities.
The majority of the tips in this article focused on individuals that wake up early and start their everyday morning flow as soon as they’re out of bed. However, Miranda Beverly-Whittemore says that she believes her bed lingering in the morning actually makes her more productive.
You might take those first moments of waking up to lay in your bed and think about the perfect day you will have that day. Or you just might take a moment to meditate right in your bed and organize your thoughts.
The point is, don’t do anything that seems too unnatural to you. Try out different things, keep records of how satisfied you were each day you introduced something different, and create a perfect morning routine that will fit your own rhythm.
29. Spend Time With Family
“Exercise and family time put me in a great mind frame before getting down to business”
Richard Branson, business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist
Find at least half an hour to spend with your family in the morning. Work is hectic, days get busier and busier, and we often find ourselves not having enough time to spend with our loved ones.
Wake up 40 minutes earlier and have that morning coffee or have breakfast with your family members. Use this time to talk about beautiful things and to plant a bit of happiness into each one’s beginning of the day. Play your favorite music while you’re all together or find another way to make your shared morning moments special.
30. S.A.V.E.R.S. Technique
“The way you start your morning can make or break the rest of your day. The SAVERS acronym reminds us of six habits or rituals that can improve our morning routines. The six parts of the routine—silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing—can improve our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual help. They don’t have to take a lot of time, but can get you into the right frame of mind for a great day.”
Hal Elrod, author of “The Miracle Morning”
Last, but not least, the SAVERS technique is the best way to create your ultimate mourning routine. Hal Elrod wrote about how miraculous our morning rituals can be and how they influence our rewinding of the day.
If you really can’t wait to radically change your mornings, inform yourself on this technique and you will be on the right track.
The first hours of the morning are the most crucial ones. How you use those hours will determine how you approach and live the rest of your day.
Make the best out of them and create the perfect morning routine that will set you up for success.
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