The Bad Boy Phase
Dating in the 21st century is both heart-breaking and interesting at the same time, the good guy is now in demand but has no idea how to be treated and cared for because for so long they’ve tried to be the bad guy that was constantly portrayed in movies and magazines growing up.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!During the years society has moulded and perfected the bad boy phase. Growing up female being attracted to the guy who was always rebellious, mysterious and dangerous was always the girls’ type. Growing up in a world filled with dysney movies that highlights being a bad boy is cute, 90s movies and local drama series E.g. Yizo Yizo, in general The “ Good girl” falls in love with the bad boy hoping that he will eventually at the end change. We see this good guy trying to act like a bad guy to get the girl his always pictured himself spending his life with.
This has hurt so many relationships because one thinks that the relationship will be a Disney fairy- tale the fixing up will be the how the fairy-god mother did for Cinderella that one time, we stay in the relationships with the bad boys because we think that somehow they will Miraculously wake up one day and change but we don’t realise how broken the individual is, the bad boy phase has consumed the brother so much that , that is his true identity is completely lost his done so much ‘bad boying’ to impress that first girl they thought would end that phase but the girl thought he wasn’t the right one to change.
Being a bad boy is a phase is one a guy needs to tell himself that no matter how tough it gets you have to outgrow it just imagine what 50year old men go through when they dealing with this crisis they didn’t grow out of at an early age.
Being a bad boy isn’t all it’s cut out to be as magazines put it to be, types changes every day, the forex guy is only as sexy as his last investment pay out, the guy texting the girl his in’ stu’ is only her type if the song ever hits top charts and his number is only being kept for incase, The guy who in corporate getting his first car thinking he can get all the Huns, probably a back-up her real guy is still ekasi hustling to prove to her his worth it. Finding someone that will be there for you unconditionally is the phase.
article by Yami
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