Excessive Alcohol Consumption Cause Penis Odour?

When temperatures climb up, up, up into the 30’s and beyond, many men respond by downing a few frosty cold beers, or perhaps some perfectly chilled wine, or even knocking back some of the harder liquors. For adults, alcohol intake may rise during the summer or it may remain fairly consistent all year round. But unfortunately, for some men, upping their alcohol intake may have an unintended penis health consequence, namely upping their penis odour as well. Considering that penis odour is one of the most often cited turn-offs among women, attending to this issue is really in a guy’s best self-interest.

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It may seem strange to some that drinking more alcohol could result in more penis odour emanating from the midsection. And to be perfectly accurate, alcohol doesn’t enter the bloodstream and then specifically target the penis for an increase in penis odour issues. Rather, consumption of alcohol especially in large quantities, and most especially when binge drinking, tends to bring about an increase in body odour in general.

Everyone knows how nasty “morning after” breath can be, but that’s not the issue here. Rather, this refers to a particular body odour that is associated with long-term heavy drinking, but which can in some cases occur after only one night of excess drinking. As with so many things, this depends upon how a person metabolizes alcohol, and everyone’s metabolism is slightly different. So, Sipho may be able to consume a six pack without producing abnormal body odour, but James reeks when he does the same thing.


However, there is a formula that gives an idea of why a person may have alcohol-based body odour. An “average” drinker, one who does not overindulge, is usually able to metabolize somewhere around 90% of the alcohol they consume. (Again, this is an estimate and varies from one person to the next.) What happens to the other 10%? It leaves the body, either through urine or through sweat.

But it takes time for the body to metabolize anything. So, if a person drinks an excessive amount of alcohol, the body won’t metabolize the same 90% in the same amount of time. That means that more than 10% of the alcohol is going to get urinated or sweated out of the body. And that increase in alcohol-fueled sweat causes the alcohol-based body odour.


There’s an obvious way to avoid alcohol-based penis odour: don’t drink. Or if a person does drink, they should do so only in moderation. But for those who enjoy a little alcohol, the following tips may be helpful for combating penis odour:


Drinking water dilutes the concentration of alcohol and helps speed its metabolization. It also helps encourage elimination of alcohol via urine rather than through sweat.


Drinking on an empty stomach often leads to drinking a greater quantity. Eating appropriately can help the body to absorb some of the alcohol as well.


Downing one drink after another in a short period of time brings about a greater concentration of alcohol. Spreading the drinks out over a longer period of time brings about better metabolization.

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