Gato’s Take On Music
01. Thank you Gato for sitting down with us, Tell us who is Gato? I’m a musician, adventurous, like being with my friends and I truly believe in love.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!02. Love is the foundation of it all. Tell us at the age of 13years old you learned how to play the guitar, Wasn’t that too severe for a 13year old? Not really, I even felt it was a bit late. Learning how to play the guitar was just as pleasurable as soccer or any other activity.Difficult was to carry on since in that age we want to do everything
03. I can understand. So performing, most musicians say they feel free on stage, what’s your take on it? I’m not a shy person. Not at all, but as everything I got my days. Most days I feel like that’s my place on earth and other days I just feel nervous but always try to concentrate and focus on delivering the best of me and enjoy the moment. It also depends on how interactive the audience is. It’s funny how shy I get when performing to family members or friends.
04. Manuel Rui Monteiro. How did you meet him and how did you manage to get him to give you some of he’s poems so you can sing them? I went to visit him with others classmates for a school assignment. From there we developed a friendship that lasted until today. I used to play guitar for him and he gave me my first guitar book. Some years later while having dinner together, he gave me the honour to sing some of his poems. Dr. Manuel Rui Monteiro is an influential figure in my musical development.
05. And Big Brother how was that experience? It was so great. One of the highlights of my career. Being exposed to such a wide audience was mind blowing. It was a privilege to Connect with Mozambicans, Angolans as well as South Africans.
06. Okay, Let’s talk about the events your doing? How would you address them to the public, And your bringing it to South Africa. What should we expect from the show? With the Angolan Roots, band in which I’m a vocalist, we’re organizing a celebration event for our 2nd anniversary this June, I’m making the 3rd edition of my show A NIGHT WITH GATO (UNCG) in Joburg because of the life it has and how I feel here. You should expect an intimate experience. My aim is to connect with the public and bring the two countries together in a night full of live music, rhythms and genres from different parts of the world. The show will count with the participation of local artists
07. It’s obviously a secret about the local artist performing here in Joburg. But would you have released your newly single by then? My schedule is very challenging right now and there are big projects that I’m dealing with. Releasing a single is in my foreseeable future, and I’m the kind to embrace opportunities. So who knows?
08. Within the music industry what was the most hardest thing you’ve ever encountered?The hardest one was certainly to headline a show in my hometown within 20 days after being away for almost 3 years.
09. Where do you see yourself in 10years? A very successful, respected musician and entrepreneur. A renowed musician with 2 albums released in the market with at least 6 music videos being played on music channels across the world. I see my music inspiring others and being a reference to the Angolan music industry. And of course , happily married.
10. What advice would you tell your younger self? I would tell him to take it easy, to never lose focus, not to compare himself with others, to believe in his worth and dreams, to make a religion out of his happiness, to always stay true to the people he loves and love him back, to explore his ideas and develop them without caring about what others are going to think and to take the most of each opportunity.

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